Elder Keegan Karsten Brown

Elder Keegan Karsten Brown

Monday, December 29, 2014

Sarbatori Fericite - Happy Holidays!

This year we had a Christmas get together as a branch.  I helped cook all day long (no surprise here in Romania) and we had cabbage and pork.  I was also Santa's helper and handed out gift bags to everyone. Elder Manning was Santa and it was fun.  I also presented the United States Christmas traditions to the whole branch. 

Christmas Eve was caroling, eating food, listening to music and playing Settlers.  Christmas Day, we woke up and went to the church for a gift exchange.  I received Elder Manning and gave him a Disney Princess sparkling cider and a mermaid doll . . . He loved it!  We ate crepes, hung-out, watched movies and skyped you guys. 

On the 26th, the District President for Romania-West invited us over for dinner.  The Geambasu family shared a Christmas family tradition of reading the book ‘You Are Special’ and feeding us. They gave us some fruit and candy as well.  I haven’t cried too much on my mission, if at all, but President Geambasu shared some very kind words with me and broke me down pretty bad.  Thanks pops for the sensitive trait. 

We visited an investigator’s farm outside of the city which was fun. He is a dope young guy and showed us around the village life.  This is how I thought my mission would be (pictures below); dirt roads, farms, humble people, and animals!  Gotta love it! 

Yesterday, I found mold in our apartment . . . lots!   I opened a closet, we don’t use, and found tons of mold from floor to the ceiling.  It was incredible!  It took me forever to clean and I then cleaned the entire apartment - Great day, great day! 

Not much going on.  We fly to Bucharest on the sixth and I think I have a cavity . . . That’s the news!

I love you guys and miss you!
Farm Life
Outdoor Plumbing

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014


I’m staying in Oradea with Elder Manning - Can’t complain, love the city, love the members, and it’s the warmest part of the country for the winter!  

This week was jam-packed!  Here is my journal entry for Saturday . . . 

December 6th,

We just finished our exchange with the Assistants, which went better than I thought.  We woke up early to get to the church and clean a little bit, but then left the church key at home.  Then we got everything ready for Zone Training but had to start 30 minutes late because two of the cities didn’t get to town on time. The meeting started, and as he usually does, President uses way too much time!  Our reservation for the lunch was almost lost because we showed up 45 minutes late.  Sora Ivory was stressing me to get the food all week long and that it would be good, cheap, and ready for us right as we got there.  Luckily, that went pretty smooth.  Then we rushed back to the church to get ready for the Christmas concert.  We expected lots of people and a TON came!  Sora Geambasu surprised me right before the concert with a solo of Silent Night in Romanian.  For me, the first time singing in front of a group, didn’t go so well.  The bodily tremors and sweat could probably be seen from far back in the room, but I didn’t pass-out - Another success!  After the concert, we cleaned the church for the third time and then passed out on the floor after a stressful, but relatively smooth day.  I’m super glad that it went better than I expected and nobody died!  Super blessed with extremely understanding people and also received the approval of President Ivory and more importantly Sora Ivory!

I’m stoked to be skyping with you guys soon!  We don’t really have that figured out yet and we don’t have the best internet connections here, but we will get it taken care of. 

I love and miss ya! 


Christmas Challenge

I have a favor/challenge for you guys.  I know your lives might get a little hectic over the next few weeks but I want you to do something extra with me.

I have now read Jesus the Christ, the Infinite Atonement and finished the New Testament yesterday.  It’s crazy how much I didn’t know and learn every single day.  After reading these three books, I will never be the same.  The Savior is incredible and I know you will learn something new too.  The shortest of the three is by far the Infinite Atonement, but first I challenge you to read the New Testament.  If you've read that, then read Jesus the Christ.  Jesus the Christ is crazy informative!  You will never get a more in depth look at the Savior's life.  If you've read them both, then read the Infinite Atonement.  It WILL change how you look at the Savior, the atonement, the sacrament, prayer, repentance and the love of God. 

I just felt like Christmas would mean so much more for all of us if we were doing something together.  I hope that you can finish one of the books on-time. I’m just giving it to Mom and Dad, but if any/all would like to participate (family or friends) - DO IT!   As for Mom and Dad, there are no excuses - FIND TIME!  That means, no Biggest Loser, or Bachelor, or any Little People sitcoms – Haha! 

I love you and please share what you learn with me EVERY WEEK this month!


Monday, December 1, 2014

Compadre' Manning
Designated Stuffing Chef'

Well Hello People of America!

Thanksgiving rundown for y'alls.  We woke up and made some food; I made stuffing and Elder Manning made pies.  We then went to choir practice and got ready for the big feast.  Of course we ate waaay to much food as usual, but it was incredible.  A sister here makes the best chicken pot pie.  The other Elders prepared the turkey and that was great too.  Potatoes, gravy, rolls, the whole shabang . . . it went well! 

Every time we meet with Augustin he reminds us that he wants to be Mormon.  The guy is great - Super cool!  However, he mentioned to us this week that he did have a problem. He doesn’t feel very welcome at church.  He said that only the "American brothers" at church (missionaries) are friendly and that the Romanians or stand-off’ish.  We spoke to the Branch President in correlation meeting and I think it will be better from here on out. 

This week we’ll be pretty jam packed!  We have a skype call with President Ivory tomorrow, choir practice a few times and zone conference on Saturday.  Plus Branch Christmas Concert on Saturday!  We need to pretty much get everything ready and try to (somehow) feed over 40 people this weekend!  Should be fun and stressful! 

Today is Romania Day and the streets were jam packed with peeps!  Everyone had their flags out and was play’n in the frozen rain! 

Love you guys!